The Sun is Shining Down on Echo of Soul!
Beautiful beaches and breezy quests await the players during the summer event in Echo of Soul.
Hamburg, July 29, 2019 – The sweet scent of sunscreen and sea salt permeates the sunny beaches of Echo of Soul. gamigo is excited to announce the return of its popular summer event for their fantasy MMORG, where players can take a break from their arduous adventuring.
Since it wouldn’t do to show up on the beach in one’s full armor, players have to obtain appropriate beach garments before being allowed entry to the sunny island world. Summery quests await the beachgoers who can explore the magnificent “Manta Reef”, crack coconuts, have water balloon fights and much more.
Players who successfully complete a quest will be rewarded with precious coins which they can exchange for unique items. For their perfect holiday in Echo of Soul, the heroes can purchase beach-themed gear and accessories from vendors.
More information about the fantasy MMORPG Echo of Soul can be found on the official website.