gamigo participates in the #PlayApartTogether Initiative
With exclusive in-game events and items gamigo supports the #PlayApartTogether initiative, joining a multitude of its industry partners endorsing the WHO guidelines regarding healthy physical distancing.
Hamburg, April 30, 2020 – gamigo supports the initiative #PlayApartTogether in many of their games with special events, valuable items and much more. Players can take a look at the different titles gamigo has in their portfolio on the official #StayHome Website. Play Apart Together is a campaign created by notable members of the gaming industry to share the WHO’s vital information and messaging on the topic of physical distancing throughout their games.
Staying at home provides a great opportunity to connect with family and friends around the globe as players create mythical heroes, embark on magical quests, conquer coveted territories and solve challenging puzzles in their favorite gamigo game.
"gamigo’s games offer a wide array of entertainment for everyone. Through #PlayApartTogether we can share awareness in a way that encourages everyone to come together and find some reprieve in these difficult times, in titles such as ArcheAge, Grand Fantasia and all of our other gaming worlds." says Jens Knauber, COO of gamigo group.
More Information about the gamigo games and the initiative can be found on the official #StayHome Website.